Mount Grace Priory Wedding Photography - Frances & Mike

When Frances & Mike got in touch and asked me to cover their Mount Grace Priory wedding photography I was only too happy to accept the invitation.

Having never photographed at Mount Grace Priory before I was excited at the prospect of documenting a wedding at such a beautiful venue. Located in North Yorkshire and owned by the English Heritage, the Priory is steeped in history, and is a popular visitor attraction with tourists. The day started off at the beautiful St. Georges church in Middleton St. George just outside Darlington. After a most lovely service, it was a pleasant drive through countryside and down to Mount Grace Priory.

English Heritage site in North Yorkshire

The weather was beautiful, cloudy but sunny. However, shortly after we arrived and not long after I had just finished photographing the family formals, the sky turned black in the most spectacular fashion, and the heavens opened. Selfishly, I thought the contrast in weather conditions made for some amazing Mount Grace Priory wedding photography. From gorgeous light, to the moodiest of skies, to the guests fleeing for cover to get out of the driving rain storm. I love a good wedding story!

There was one slight disappointment however, Frances & Mike had prayed for a dramatic sunset so I could shoot a few frames of the newly weds stood under the ruins of the Priory. What made the matter worse was the huge spotlights that help to illuminate the Priory weren't on at that particular time, so with a little bit of planning and some cheeky positioning of an off camera flash gun, we created our own sunset..

North Yorkshire wedding photographers

Here's the tale of Frances & Mike's amazing wedding day.. If you're currently looking for a wedding photographer I'd love to hear from you. I'm a North Yorkshire wedding photographer offering my couples creative images but without too much in the way of posed and contrived photographs. Please feel free to get in touch.

Phil | Photographer | Storyteller | Coffee & Cake

I’m Phil, a North Yorkshire based documentary wedding photographer working throughout the UK.

Dirleton Castle Wedding Photography - Becky & Roy


Kirknewton House Stables Wedding Photography | Sara & Marcus